Let’s talk about the ‘V’ Word!!

Have you tuned in to your values lately?

I’m not talking about money or finances. They are just as important, but let’s discuss your core values.

It’s human nature to judge people by the values they display… (whether real or perceived).  We judge their ethics, the way they treat other people, they way they do business, or simply respond to emails and messages.

As humans we all have a strong sense of what is important to us.  Therefore our focus changes as we grow.

How do your values impact your work, the people in your life and how you see, and treat yourself?

If you find yourself in a new relationship… whether it’s a potential life partner, business partner or boss, or meeting new friends, do you find yourself looking out for someone who shares the same values as you?

The truth is, that even in working relationships, having similar values can be extremely important, depending on the roles you both have within that organization.

It’s even more significant within your romantic partnerships and friendships.  As we get rooted and familiar with our core values, it makes it easier to align what is important to us in these relationships, using our value system as a guide.

What do your values say about you?

Let’s take a look at yours!  My Value Mining exercise is a great way to get reacquainted with the ‘V’ Word.

This exercise may help ground you in:
· What is important in your life 
· What does your authentic self look like 
· What  values are aligned with your life's purpose


How InSight(ful) Are You?


Some Relationships Have An Expiry Date