As the door swings open what are you walking into?

Kickoff to 2023 

What's in your closet and better yet; what can you toss away that you don't need anymore ????

You have the opportunity to make a new plan. A new path, and super fresh  goals.

This is your archway into new beginnings and a new mindset.

This in ....

Research shows that less than 10% of us who set a task/goal actually stick with them for more than a few months.

Why? Is it because you're lazy and have no willpower? NO WAY!

It's because change is hard.

Fortunately, there are many effective strategies that you can implement to make change easier.

Simply put, the best way to tackle the challenge of any big change is to shrink the change into smaller pieces. That way, when it comes time to take action, willpower is not even an issue.

How small are we talking about? Ridiculously small. You want you to set goals (that align with your big goal) and that are actually doable.

The best is yet to come and the shift work can be as simple as re framing your situation and changing the perspective into a learners mindset . 

Open up 

It is a great time to open up your mind to new possibilities and curiosity.  

An open mindset can only set you up for growth and change and you may even surprise yourself. You may even learn something new about yourself and others which may open up some fun in the horizon.


You have the power to re create and visualize the path you desire ... take a leap and trust yourself but also the process.


It's in you to explore.  Isn't it time to change up things and see a new perspective. 

Believe in yourself and see what happens !! Curiosity opens up opportunities.

Stay true to yourself, trust the process. You can make any goals a reality. You can make any vision a reality 

Real time !   Real simple 

Life is full of new beginnings 

Kick off with a few of these 

  • Try new things. ...

  • Don't be afraid to fail. ...

  • Talk to strangers. ...

  • Be willing to change. ...

  • Write a personal mission statement. ...

  • Don't try to fit in. ...

  • Don't confuse having an opinion with having a thought. ...

  • Don't get hung up on perfect.

You got this !!! 


Navigate The Challenges Life Throws At You, With Your Own GPS!


How InSight(ful) Are You?