Trust Yourself; You Know More Than You Think
There’s no one more important to trust than yourself, and yet so many of us don’t. we are riddled with self-doubt, questioning our every choice, handing our power over to others (sometimes those we barely even know) because we assume they know better. Well that ends today! Today I invite you to trust yourself – completely.
How, you ask?
Start by being yourself. It’s normal when we feel insecure to put up a front, but the more we allow ourselves to just be, the easier it will become to step comfortably back into our own skin.
Make sure to set goals that are small and achievable. This will help you reach them and in turn, build your confidence, so that the next time you decide to take on a challenge, you will have faith in your ability to meet it head on.
Be decisive – this is a BIG one! When we don’t trust ourselves, we become paralyzed in indecision. In these instances, take a pause and remind yourself that your opinions have value and that you are just as capable as anyone else at making good decisions.
And of course, be kind to yourself. Listen out for that inner voice – is it being overly critical? If you’re able to change its narrative to one that is kinder and more encouraging that will help you recognize your strengths and accept your weaknesses. When we believe in our authentic selves, we can trust our instincts without question.
PLEASE NOTE – NONE of the above is easy. It takes a lot of work, patience and self-care, but it is possible!